Vida Emirates Hills
The Vida Emirates Hills Hotel and Residences envision themselves as a home for global thought-leaders and creatives.
Client: Emaar Hospitality
Industry: Hospitality & Residential
Year: 2019
Location: Emirates Hills, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Services: Full-service Art Consultancy and Art Production
Features artists: Alberto Ruiz Villar, Anita Van Der Krol, Anais Landes, Caroline Wall, Caroyl La Barge, Lama Khatib Daniel, Lise Gonthier, Kim Knoll, Sandra Ferreira, Stephanie Neville, Thierry Martenon, Two Hand Textiles, Vione Eduardo.
No. of artists engaged: 13
No of artwork commissions: 16
Total no. of artworks delivered: 1236
Total no. of accessories delivered: 1038
Located near the city centre overlooking the beautiful golf course, this is a destination where residents and visitors can choose to indulge in the energetic atmosphere surrounding them or completely disconnect from it.
At Capsule Arts, we took inspiration from connections made between people and places, and the urban patchwork it creates. We wanted the curation to portray the dynamism and movement of urban growth, migration and the continuous ebb and flow of Dubai’s population. To do this, we focused on textures, layers and a neutral colour palette inspired by the people of Dubai and the surrounding sites; from the green landscapes of the golf course to Dubai’s skyscrapers dissipating into the surrounding desert dunes.
As you enter the hotel’s arrival lobby you are greeted with a feature installation that depicts a flock of birds moving throughout the space. Old photographs of Dubai taken by photographer Anita Van Der Krol are also displayed amongst the Sheikh portraits affirming the transition of the city and the aspirations of the Emirate’s leaders. While the feature installation was designed by Capsule Arts it wasrealized and brought to life by local fabricators.
Continuing through the hotel and residencies is a series of commissioned artworks by local and international artists including Anais Landes whose unique combination of glass mosaic and lime coating reflect urban growth and the city’s architectural layers. More glass work can be found in the sculptures of Lise Gonthier that are exhibited alongside photographs of Dubai by Sandra Ferreira. We also commissioned Dubai-based artist Stephanie Neville to create a series of hand-stitched canvasses that trace the movement of the sea and sand and reference the UAE’s relationship with both in relation to its pearl trading heritage.
artists were engaged in this project
of artists are based in the UAE
of artists originate from the MENA region