Lubna Abel Aziz
Artist & Photographer

Lubna Abdelaziz, a talented fine art photographer hailing from Alexandria, Egypt, approaches self-portraiture in a unique way. Instead of delving into autobiography, she transports herself into imagined worlds where the extraordinary becomes achievable. In her captivating self-portrait series, she skillfully captures both the intricate strength and delicate vulnerability of the human psyche.

The images in this series, characterized by a marbled backdrop and rich textures, possess a painterly quality. Adorned in a simple clothing and holding a bouquet of roses, her subjects stands in a soft stream of light. Through her thoughtful post-processing, subtle details like the folds of fabric and flower petals appear ethereal against the blurred surroundings, creating a visual experience that beautifully encapsulates the essence of her artistic vision.


Commissioned work with Capsule Arts

Feature Artwork.
SO/ Uptown Hotel.

Lubna Abel Aziz involvement in SO/ Uptown was to create a set of bespoke artwork for the VIP suites of the hotel. The artwork beholds a woman in a poised and relaxed seated position, exuding an air of elegance and regality, while her face is artfully concealed with a wash of paint giving an air of secret femininity.

Encased within a defragmented French-inspired frame concept, this artwork adorns the space, intertwining grace with an air of mystery.