Alexandra Raynaud
Artist & Photographer

Meet Alexandra Raynaud, a photographer with wanderlust. Having lived across various cosmopolitan cities including the likes of New York, Paris and London, she has since graced the ever-evolving art and photography scene of Dubai, with her eye for capturing perennial photographs.  


Commissioned work with Capsule Arts

Feature Artwork.
SO/ Uptown Hotel.

The artist Alex Raynaud created digital artworks exploring layers of time, echoing kaleidoscopic visuals by distorting overlapping architectural elements. This effect was emphasised with 3D cut layers creating depth and intrigue. Adorning the walls and ceiling of the ballroom are classic European architecture drawings, blended with Islamic geometry in a modern connection of cultures. The outcome gives the space a feeling that is contemporary and ancient at the same time. A place where past and present are aligned and coexisting.